We pay particular attention to the emergence of new Last Database inequalities, both between consumers and workers and between businessmen and merchants. Second, an arbitrary and opaque targeted liberalization is revealed, Last Database from which the Maduro government seeks to extract political (stability) as well as material returns: to determine a priori the winners of the deregulation process. We observe the formation of new business elites and the growing Last Database empowerment of importing and extractive economic classes in alliance with state power.
The background and legal support of the Last Database still life economy In response to the economic crisis that began in 2014 and continues to this day, as of 2016 the Maduro government began to forge spaces for regulatory experimentation in the Venezuelan economy. That year he created the special development zone Arco Minero del Orinoco ( amo ) with the aim of formalizing pre-existing alliances and dynamics in the state of Bolívar around gold mining. With this decree, the Last Database presence of the State in the mining activity increased, while informal practices of territorial control by armed groups were maintained and the smuggling and illegal Last Database sale of gold manu militari intensified .4. Likewise, in 2017, through the Supreme Court of Justice, the government tried to modify the share distribution of the mixed companies of the oil industry, contravening the Organic Law of Hydrocarbons5.
After the sanctions imposed by the Last Database United States at the end of January 2019, the Maduro government repealed the Illicit Exchange Law and thus facilitated the use and exchange of the US dollar in the national economy. In addition, it resumed efforts to open market niches for Last Database foreign direct investment both in the hydrocarbon sector and in other6. In October 2020, the supra-constitutional National Constituent Last Database Assembly approved the so-called Anti-Blockade Law that allows the transfer, concession, privatization or lease of assets of the Republic to private investors.